5 Tips to Help Your End of Year Reviews

We know giving end of year reviews can be taxing experience; we have 5 tips to help you through.

  1. ️Be direct & don’t sugarcoat it. Find language that explains your perception of reality and provide a specific example as to what you are talking about. This is not the right time for ambiguous language. For example, instead of “It seems like you don’t do things on time.” “Quarter 3 and 4 projects were not completed on time. What are ways those projects could be timely next year?

  2. Be hopeful & honest. Hold the space for both these tensions. People can tell if you are doubting them/ don’t believe in them. Make sure you are casting a vision not just over what they are doing but over the potential they hold. This is not idealism, this is honesty.

  3. Celebrate. Bring tangible examples to the meeting & have them bring tangible examples. This is the time to be lavish in your affirmations. Think of the most encouraging/affirming person and channel that. Don’t underestimate the power of positive psychology.

  4. - Practice beforehand. Write down what you are going to say. Have bullet points and concise language prepared in advance. When wanting to improve something. Instead of saying “You are disorganized” say “Sometimes the work produced is disorganized- what are some ways we can organize it?”

  5. Commit to Action. Studies show that having a review one time a year is ineffective because the way that we get better is through consistent coaching. So commit to a plan of giving consistent (weekly, monthly) coaching & feedback works best and then co-create that plan with your employee.


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